Make a Lasting Impact on OPAS’s Performing Arts Legacy
The investment income from the OPAS Permanent Endowment directly supports student access and performance enhancement. By contributing through gifts, pledges, or planned gifts, individuals, businesses, and organizations help secure a lasting legacy of performing arts for both TAMU students and the wider community.
Join us in shaping the future of the performing arts by making your pledge to the OPAS Permanent Endowment today. Your support ensures that this vital program thrives for generations to come.
For more information or to learn how you can get involved, contact the OPAS office at 979-845-1661.
If you want your gift for Texas A&M to go to work immediately, a current gift of cash or securities might be the best option. You can give a lump sum or pledge a gift to be completed in five years. Real estate and intangible property also make excellent outright gifts with immediate impact but might require planning.
THE GOAL: You want to make a quick and easy gift.
THE GIFT: You can give via check, credit card or electronic funds transfer.
THE BENEFITS: Tax Deduction: You will receive an immediate charitable income tax deduction.
THE DETAILS: Write a check payable to the Texas A&M Foundation or visit and click on “Give Now” to make a gift by credit card. You can also set up automatically recurring payments online.
Contact the Foundation at (800) 392-3310 for electronic funds transfer instructions.
THE GOAL: You want to avoid capital gains tax on the sale of securities.
THE GIFT: You can give publicly held stocks, closely held stocks, bonds or mutual funds.
THE BENEFITS: Tax Deduction: You will receive an immediate charitable income tax deduction. Capital Gains Bypassed: You can eliminate capital gains tax on your gift.
THE DETAILS: Contact the Foundation at (800) 392-3310 to transfer securities.
THE GOAL: You want to make a current gift of property, eliminate ownership and management burdens, and generate tax benefits.
THE GIFT: You can give your home, oil and gas interests, vacation property, commercial property, or land.
THE BENEFITS: Tax Deduction: You will receive an immediate charitable income tax deduction. Capital Gains Bypassed: You can reduce or eliminate capital gains tax with your gift. Burdens of Ownership Removed: You will relieve yourself of maintenance, tax and
insurance obligations on the property.
THE DETAILS: Donate the property to the Texas A&M Foundation after an appraisal and approval from the Foundation.
THE GOAL: You want to make a gift of intangible property and generate tax benefits.
THE GIFT: You can give patents, copyrights or royalties.
THE DETAILS: Contact the Foundation at (800) 392-3310 for information about making a gift of intangible property.
THE BENEFITS: Tax Deduction: You will receive an immediate charitable income tax deduction.
Join the growing number of Aggies planning their gifts and estates to benefit themselves, their families and Texas A&M. This section tells how you—through planned gifts—can provide for loved ones, receive tax benefits, generate potential retirement income and help Texas A&M all at the same time.
A wide range of planned gift options is available, allowing you to tailor a gift to your unique needs and interests. After-lifetime gifts such as bequests or gifts of retirement assets will benefit Texas A&M without using your current assets or income. Dual-benefit gifts such as a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust will offer you and your family significant benefits as you support Texas A&M.
If you want to create a future gift for Texas A&M, the Foundation’s experienced gift planners will work with you, your attorney and other advisors to design the best gift plan for your individual situation.
Ph: 979.845.1661
Fx: 979.845.8043
Mailing Address
Texas A&M University
PO Box 15819
College Station TX 77841
Shipping Address
Texas A&M University
275 Joe Routt Boulevard
Suite 2440
College Station, TX 77843
Texas A&M University
PO Box 15819
College Station TX 77841
P: (979) 845-1234 or (888) 890-5667
F: 979.862.8143
Hours: Mon-Fri (10 AM – 4:30 PM)
Founded in 1972, OPAS at Texas A&M University presents professional productions of theatre, music, and dance programs that enlighten, entertain, and inspire. OPAS programs are funded entirely by revenue generated from ticket sales, sponsorships, and contributions.
Anne Black,
Executive Director
Edith Gonzalez Brizuela,
Manager of Operations
Monica Latham
Manager of Marketing & Development
Kayla Shepherd,
Manager of Community Outreach and Events
Katie Irwin
Administrative Coordinator